Chemical composition of Food Contact Materials (FCM) is complex, including authorized substances (intentionally added substances) and impurities (commonly known as non-intentionally added substances). Substances not covered by Annex I of the 10/2011/EC regulation for plastic material in contact with food can be present in the product, subject that their presence are safe for human health. To ensure safety, different guidelines exists and needs to be used by toxicologist.


To gain understanding

  • On the requirements in the Commission Regulations EC 1935/2004 and EU 10/2011, notably on the safety aspects.
  • On the requirements listed in the FCA guideline or risk assessment of Non-Intentionally Added Substances (NIAS) and Non-Listed Substances (NLS) in food contact materials and the EuPIA guideline on risk assessment of Non-Intentionally Added Substances (NIAS) and Non-Listed Substances (NLS) in printing inks for food contact materials, including the parameters for PoD choice and uncertainty factors.
  • On the use of in-silico methods in case of lack of toxicological data on substances
  • On the definition of the exposure scenario and the calculation of Margin of Safety

Educational tools

  • Presentations are built on regulatory requirements and industry best practices.
  • Exercise and/or case study may be included based on client wishes (on demand training).

For whom

Toxicologist, PharmD, Regulatory Affairs Managers, Product Managers, Quality Managers, Quality Assurance Managers, QC Managers, Production Managers, R&D or Product Development Managers, Supply Chain Managers etc.

Target industry sectors

Business operators in the food contact supply chain: manufacturers of starting materials, intermediate materials and final materials and articles, converters, distributors, retailers

Our training can be adapted and tailored to specific needs (on demand training)


No prerequisites required to take this course.

Course leader

Food Contact Expert Intertek Assuris

Upcoming classes

27 nov. 2024

Place: Online

Duration: 1 day

Time: 09:00 - 12:00

Price: 4,900 SEK / 425 EUR (excl. VAT)


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