Proposition 65, or the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, applies to virtually all products sold in the state of California, whether directly to consumers or to other businesses. Although Proposition 65 is actually a specifically Californian law, in practice it means that anyone operating in the US market must comply with it. Prop 65 compliance is often a stated requirement of North American customers.

What makes Proposition 65 unique is that it is enforced through civil lawsuits and not through government enforcement. This means that in California, an individual can sue a company that they believe is not complying with the law. If the court then rules against the company, the company must pay, often large, damages and expensive legal costs.

The legislation is based on a list of around 900 different chemical substances that are currently found in most products.

From the program

  • The background of Proposition 65
  • What "the right to know" means
  • What Proposition 65's chemical list looks like and how it is updated
  • Bounty Hunters
  • Out-of-court settlements
  • Safe Harbor Levels
  • How warnings to the public should be designed
  • Effective validation of analytical results

Course objectives

To provide an overall picture and understanding of what the legislation means, what is required to comply and how the legislation affects your business.

Who is the training for?

The training is aimed at those who need an overview of what Proposition 65 is. For example, you may be a buyer, salesperson, product manager or responsible for purchasing, sales and marketing, product management, quality, design and production.

Prior knowledge

No prerequisites.

Upcoming classes

No classes scheduled. Contact us for more information.

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